Can Ketamine Help My Fibromyalgia?

Can Ketamine Help My Fibromyalgia?

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, approximately 4,000,000 Americans have fibromyalgia. Women are more likely to develop the condition than men. Fibromyalgia is a chronic condition that often has no known cause. Ketamine emerged in the 1970s from Vietnam as a field medicine. It is a systemic anesthetic that doesn’t alter heart rate or respiration like many other drugs. Ketamine also has antidepressant qualities. These properties may make ketamine a viable option for your fibromyalgia symptoms, especially if other treatments have not been effective. Florida Medical Pain Management, a Pain Management specialist practice in Florida is here to assist you. The team can help you find the right treatment for this difficult-to-treat condition. So can ketamine help my Fibromyalgia?

Fibromyalgia Symptoms and Causes

Research suggests that people suffering from fibromyalgia may experience pain signals differently than the rest. Pain receptors in the brain can develop memories and become more sensitive to past pain. This causes overreactions to both pain and non-painful sensations.

Fibromyalgia may develop after an infection, trauma, or prolonged periods of stress. Sometimes, the pain is gradual and doesn’t have a starting point. Fibromyalgia could be a genetic condition, as it can run in families.

Fibromyalgia can cause widespread pain, which is often a constant, severe ache that affects both the upper and lower body. Fibromyalgia is a chronic pain that lasts for three months or longer.

Even though you sleep for long periods, fatigue and sleep disorders can be common. Fibromyalgia suffers often experience severe pain that disrupts sleep.

Fibro fog is a cognitive condition that can cause confusion and irritability. Fibromyalgia can also lead to anxiety and depression, as with all chronic pain conditions.

Fibromyalgia and Ketamine

Because fibromyalgia is caused by irregular nerve activity, ketamine can be a good treatment option. Low-dose ketamine can be administered intravenously as part of an infusion. You may feel a relaxed, sedative effect. We recommend you arrange for a ride from your session to and from the clinic. It is one of the few side effects of ketamine.

Ketamine provides a quick reset for your brain by blocking pain receptors. This is ideal for relieving hypersensitivity that can contribute to fibromyalgia. Ketamine also decreases brain activity when you are daydreaming, resting, or sleeping. These are the areas where ketamine treatment may have anti-depressant properties.

Many patients find ketamine safe and effective in treating fibromyalgia. If you are unhappy with your current treatment plan, it is important to know that there are other options available for fibromyalgia. Call or message us to schedule an appointment at Florida Medical Pain Management. You may find the perfect solution, so schedule an appointment today. We can help you treat your fibromyalgia with Ketamine infusion therapy!


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